Utilizing Youtube, we aim to provide content for our fellow geeks. That includes convention exploration, reviews, thought-provoking discussions that geeks barely talk about, and connecting with fellow content creators on our podcast.


Join Sean-Luc as he discusses topics in and outside of the geek community concerning ideas that are informative or rarely ever talked about. Whether it be within a pop culture or something outside of it, Sean is here to shed light on these topics and start a conversation. Care to join in the conversation?

Embark on adventures with Sean Luc with his snarky cameraman as they vlog about topics of fandom, nerdom, cons, events, Q&A’s and discussions.

Join host Charlie "Radio" Williams and Sean Luc as they, “shoot-da-shit” with guests, while deep-diving into topics ranging from life, culture, pop news, art and all things geek.